Memorial ACTe

“The challenge of ‘living together’ in our multicultural societies implies recognition of each person’s history and memory, and at the same time the sharing of a common heritage, in order to transcend past tragedies” Moussa Iye, UNESCO Chief of Intercultural Dialogue Section.
On May 10, 2015, French President François Hollande and 19 heads of state inaugurated Guadeloupe Islands’ Mémorial ACTe. Located in Pointe a Pitre, precisely on the Darboussier site, which used to be a sugar factory, it is a cultural center dedicated to the Memory and History of Slavery Trade. The Memorial ACTe is part of UNESCO’s Slave Route Project, a global initiative to promote the rapprochement of peoples through the shared legacy of this tragedy. More than 150 years after the abolition of slavery, there is still much untold about the difficulties and struggles of bondage in the Guadeloupe Islands. This cultural institution seeks to preserve the memory of those that suffered during slavery, as well as to foster dialogue about the repercussions and begin to construct a historical conservation of the epoch.
On July, 20th Civil Rights leader activist and Minister Jesse Jackson visited Guadeloupe Islands’ Memorial ACTe. (For more info: Guadeloupe Islands Press Release)
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